Collection of Tools & Utilities
Collection of Tools and Utilities.iso
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#line 1 "#3_ver3.cxx"
void *_new(long);
void _delete(void*);
void *_vec_new(void*,int,int,void*(*)(void*));
void _vec_delete(void*,int,int,void(*)(void*,int),...);
void exit(int);
static void cdecl _STI();
static void cdecl _STD();
struct Wsp { char _dummy; } ;
extern char *oct (long , int );
extern char *dec (long , int );
extern char *hex (long , int );
extern char *chr (int , int );
extern char *str (char *, int );
extern char *form (char *, ... );
struct ostream {
void *_ostream_bp ;
short _ostream_state ;} ;
struct ostream *_ostream__lshiftNFNPC__ (struct ostream* , char *);
struct ostream *_ostream__lshiftNFUL__ (struct ostream* , unsigned long );
struct ostream *_ostream__lshiftNFL__ (struct ostream* , long );
struct ostream *_ostream__lshiftNFD__ (struct ostream* , double );
struct ostream *_ostream__lshiftNFNRCWsp___ (struct ostream* , struct Wsp *);
struct ostream *_ostream_put (struct ostream* , char );
struct istream {
void *_istream_bp ;
struct ostream *_istream_tied_to ;
char _istream_skipws ;
short _istream_state ;} ;
struct istream *_istream__rshiftNFNPC__ (struct istream* , char *);
struct istream *_istream__rshiftNFNRC__ (struct istream* , char *);
struct istream *_istream__rshiftNFNRS__ (struct istream* , short *);
struct istream *_istream__rshiftNFNRI__ (struct istream* , int *);
struct istream *_istream__rshiftNFNRL__ (struct istream* , long *);
struct istream *_istream__rshiftNFNRF__ (struct istream* , float *);
struct istream *_istream__rshiftNFNRD__ (struct istream* , double *);
struct istream *_istream__rshiftNFNRCWsp___ (struct istream* , struct Wsp *);
struct istream *_istream_getNFNPC_I_I__ (struct istream* , char *, int , char );
struct istream *_istream_putback (struct istream* , char );
extern void eatwhite (struct istream *);
extern struct istream cin ;
extern struct ostream cout ;
extern struct ostream cerr ;
extern struct Wsp WS ;
struct complex {
double _complex_re ;double _complex_im ;} ;
void pascal _complex__asplus (struct complex* , struct complex );
extern int _eqNFCcomplex__Ccomplex___ (struct complex , struct complex );
extern struct complex _mulNFCcomplex__Ccomplex___ (struct complex , struct complex );
extern struct complex _plusNFCcomplex__Ccomplex___ (struct complex , struct complex );
extern struct complex _plusNFCcomplex__Ccomplex___ (struct complex _au0_a , struct complex _au0_b ){
struct complex _au0__V1 ;
return ( ( ( ( ((& _au0__V1 )-> _complex_re = (_au0_a . _complex_re + _au0_b . _complex_re )), ((& _au0__V1 )-> _complex_im = (_au0_a . _complex_im + _au0_b . _complex_im ))) , (((& _au0__V1 )))) ) , _au0__V1 ) ;} }
extern struct complex _mulNFCcomplex__Ccomplex___ (struct complex _au0_a , struct complex _au0_b ){
struct complex _au0__V2 ;
return ( ( ( ( ((& _au0__V2 )-> _complex_re = ((_au0_a . _complex_re * _au0_b . _complex_re )- (_au0_a . _complex_im * _au0_b . _complex_im ))), ((& _au0__V2 )-> _complex_im = ((_au0_a . _complex_re * _au0_b . _complex_im )+ (_au0_a . _complex_im * _au0_b . _complex_re )))) , (((& _au0__V2 )))) ) , _au0__V2 ) ;} }
extern int _eqNFCcomplex__Ccomplex___ (struct complex _au0_a , struct complex _au0_b ){
return ((_au0_a . _complex_re == _au0_b . _complex_re )&& (_au0_a . _complex_im == _au0_b . _complex_im ));}
void pascal _complex__asplus (
register struct complex *this ,
struct complex _au0_a ){
this -> _complex_re += _au0_a . _complex_re ;
this -> _complex_im += _au0_a . _complex_im ;}
int main (){ {
struct complex _au1_num1 ;
struct complex _au1_num2 ;
struct complex _au1_num3 ;
struct complex _au1_num4 ;
struct complex _au1_num5 ;
struct complex _au1_num6 ;
struct complex _au1_num7 ;
struct complex _au1_num8 ;
double _au1_x ;double _au1_y ;double _au1_z ;
( ( ( (((struct complex *)(& _au1_num1 ))-> _complex_re = ((double )1 )), (((struct complex *)(& _au1_num1 ))-> _complex_im = ((double )0 ))) , ((((struct complex *)(& _au1_num1 ))))) ) ;
( ( ( ((& _au1_num2 )-> _complex_re = 1. ), ((& _au1_num2 )-> _complex_im = 1. )) , (((& _au1_num2 )))) ) ;
( ( ( ((& _au1_num3 )-> _complex_re = 3. ), ((& _au1_num3 )-> _complex_im = 8. )) , (((& _au1_num3 )))) ) ;
( ( ( ((& _au1_num4 )-> _complex_re = 1. ), ((& _au1_num4 )-> _complex_im = 1. )) , (((& _au1_num4 )))) ) ;
( ( ( ((& _au1_num5 )-> _complex_re = ((double )( 5 ) )), ((& _au1_num5 )-> _complex_im = 1. )) , (((& _au1_num5 )))) ) ;
( ( ( ((& _au1_num6 )-> _complex_re = ((double )( ( ( ( 6 ) , 7 ) , 8 ) , 9 ) )), ((& _au1_num6 )-> _complex_im = 1. )) , (((& _au1_num6 )))) ) ;
( ( ( ((& _au1_num7 )-> _complex_re = ((double )5 )), ((& _au1_num7 )-> _complex_im = ((double )5 ))) , (((& _au1_num7 )))) ) ;
_au1_num8 = ( _au1_num1 ) ;
_au1_x = 1. ;_au1_y = 5. ;_au1_z = 3. ;
struct complex _au0__V3 ;struct complex _au0__V4 ;
_complex__asplus ( & _au1_num4 , _plusNFCcomplex__Ccomplex___ ( _plusNFCcomplex__Ccomplex___ ( _eqNFCcomplex__Ccomplex___ ( _au1_num1 , _au1_num2 ) ? _au1_num3 : _au1_num1 , ( ( ( ( ((& _au0__V3 )-> _complex_re = (_au1_x * _au1_y )), ((& _au0__V3 )-> _complex_im = 1. )) , (((& _au0__V3 )))) ) , _au0__V3 ) ) , ( ( ( ( ((& _au0__V4 )-> _complex_re = (1. / _au1_z )), ((& _au0__V4 )-> _complex_im = 1. )) , (((& _au0__V4 )))) ) , _au0__V4 ) ) ) ;
( _ostream__lshiftNFNPC__ ( & cout , (char *)form ( (char *)"(%5.3f, %5.3f)\n", (& _au1_num4 )-> _complex_re , (& _au1_num4 )-> _complex_im ) ) ) ;
( _ostream__lshiftNFNPC__ ( & cout , (char *)form ( (char *)"(%5.3f, %5.3f)\n", (& _au1_num5 )-> _complex_re , (& _au1_num5 )-> _complex_im ) ) ) ;
( _ostream__lshiftNFNPC__ ( & cout , (char *)form ( (char *)"(%5.3f, %5.3f)\n", (& _au1_num6 )-> _complex_re , (& _au1_num6 )-> _complex_im ) ) ) ;
( _ostream__lshiftNFNPC__ ( & cout , (char *)form ( (char *)"(%5.3f, %5.3f)\n", (& _au1_num7 )-> _complex_re , (& _au1_num7 )-> _complex_im ) ) ) ;
( _ostream__lshiftNFNPC__ ( & cout , (char *)form ( (char *)"(%5.3f, %5.3f)\n", (& _au1_num8 )-> _complex_re , (& _au1_num8 )-> _complex_im ) ) ) ;} } exit ( 0 ); }